Ever since the year of 2003, I've tried to publish
a book (or several books) about how to make my friendship bracelets. By the end of 2006, a book publisher
had found my website and suggested to put the books into production.
The first two German books
are available right now. We will be making the books in English later on too, but at the moment I don't know
exactly how long this will take.
For beginners, a PDF-file contains the first 14 pages of detailed knotting directions -- including pictures --
for bracelets number 1 through 5.
If you order bracelets No. 1 - 5 (upon payment of $5.00) I will send this file
together with the knot-patterns.
Under "Advanced" there are short directions, which can be downloaded as a PDF-file.
Originally, these colorful bands were invented by Indians in Central and South America. According
to tradition, you tie a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for something at that moment.
The bracelet should be worn until it's totally worn-out and falls off by itself, at which moment the wish is
supposed to come true.
Personally, I don't think much of this tradition, because it can be annoying to always wear a bracelet around
one's wrist. For example, when taking a shower or bath the bracelet would get wet and dry very slowly.
I wear a different bracelet every day, matching it to my clothes. When I get home, I immediately take off
my watch as well as the bracelet.
The bracelets are like music. As infinite melodies can be composed, so infinite patterns of friendship
bracelets can be invented.